Mandate of the Alberta Critical Incident Peer Network (ACIPN)

The ACIPN is a peer led, peer driven support network of public safety personnel for public safety personnel, whose volunteers are trained in best practices and deliver support in accordance with ICISF standards. The Alberta Critical Incident Peer Network (ACIPN) will continue to be the entity that delivers peer support to public safety personnel in Alberta.


The psychological effects on these responders can have a large impact on their mental health. This peer support network is a best practice approach to supporting public safety personnel build psychological resistance and resilience to what they are exposed to in their work. Peers are the most effective front-line provider to meet the unique needs of this important and valuable resource.


Your contribution will ensure that our volunteer peers get the training and support they need to ensure their fellow public service personnel remain healthy and able to respond to those Albertan’s needs. 100% of funds raised will go to program delivery. The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation – Canada, Inc. is a board of volunteers and there is no operational overhead, only program delivery, support and ongoing training.


Thank you for considering making a donation to support Alberta’s Public Safety Personnel, including all our first responders who risk their physical and psychological wellbeing to protect and serve us all.

ACIPN Overview

The ACIPN-Peers manage their real time availability through their own profile resulting in deployment of resources that are in close proximity and that have appropriate experience and training. When ACIPN-Peers generate a profile, they will be represented on a map of Alberta in their general area (e.g., postal code). The ACIPN Network Coordinator can then use this information to access the closest and most relevant support.

ACIPN Peer Benefits to registering


Access is limited to registered ACIPN-Peers to address such issues (but not limited to):

  • For guidance in development and maintenance of a CISM Team
  • To acquire expert consultation regarding issues and concerns that may arise while operating a CISM Team
  • For guidance and consultation regarding a strategic plan
  • For guidance on how to deal with unexpected issues that may arise while providing CISM interventions and how to deal with them appropriately.

This registration page is for ICISF-CISM trained peers who operate anywhere throughout Alberta and want to be part of this provincial network; who agree to put their name forth and conduct themselves in accordance with the ICISF-Canada best practice, code of conduct and reporting structure. Privacy and confidentiality of personal information will be upheld and only administration will have access and will not be publicly listed.


Registration Requirements:

  1. Registrants must be an active member of an Alberta First Responder Agency such as Fire Suppression, EMS, Enforcement, or Search and Rescue.
  2. Must have completed basic CISM training from an ICISF-Canada vetted Approved ICISF Instructor including “Assisting Individuals in Crisis”, and “Group Crisis Intervention.
  3. Must be a member in good standing of an ICISF-CISM Peer Support Team that is recognized by the ACIPN within an Alberta First Responder Agency or who agree to become members of the ACIPN and operate under clinical and network guidance.
  4. Must agree to uphold “Best Practices” as stipulated by the ICISF-Canada and the ICISF.

In submitting your registration, you are consenting to our Registration Privacy Policy.

Site Maintenance

Due to scheduled maintenance, the Member Registration and Account pages are currently unavailable. We will restore service as soon as possible.

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